From This Issue

Now What? Three Essentials for Nonprofits
The future for nonprofits —for the next several years, the next decade and beyond —is extremely unclear. At minimum, it will surely bear little resemblance to the first decade of the 21st century, when on balance (except for the very…
Media in an Age of Triage: Making Sense of a Wired World
Janet Sternberg, president of the Media Ecology Association, recently informed the New York Times, “Change has changed qualitatively.” She should know. The term “media ecology”—rooted in the theories of Marshall McLuhanand Neil Postman—has become a keyconcept in understanding the exponential changes in…
Recent Client Assignments 5
Acquincum Institute of Technology Budapest, Hungary Strategic counsel on the establishment of an American study abroad program. Archives of American Art — Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC Preparation of a strategic plan. Blithewold Mansions, Gardens and Arboretum Bristol, RI Evaluation and…
Higher Education?: How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids — and What We Can Do About It
In each issue, we identify and briefly describe a small number of books that are insightful about consequential matters and offer new ways of thinking strategically about the nonprofit world. Andrew Hacker, professor emeritus of political science at Queens College,…
Disrupting Philanthropy: Technology and the Future of the Social Sector
Disrupting Philanthropy: Technology and the Future of the Social Sector is a must-read for “donors and doers,” especially those associated with large, traditional foundations. Authors Lucy Bernholz, together with Edward Skloot and Barry Varela (under the auspices of the Center for…
Five Minds for the Future
“The empires of the future will be empires of the mind,” Winston Churchill once declared. He was not alone in his fascination. The enterprise of classifying the human mind has both attracted and eluded thinkers ranging from Plato to Max…