From This Issue

Governance as a Key Strategic Asset
Over the past few years, a disturbing number of nonprofits have been the subject of embarrassing failures, investigatory probes and ethical lapses. These have ranged from major financial irregularities to stunning “flame-outs” by chief executive officers; self-enrichment by private foundation…
Essential Characteristics of Superb Governance
Board members understand the organization’s mission; can articulate it in their own words; are proud of the organization and endorse it to friends and colleagues; and receive board orientation and ongoing board education from the start. The board is strategic in…
Brand Portfolio Strategy: Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage and Clarity
Although not often recognized, some of the most wellknown, powerful and enduring “brands” in the world are in the nonprofit sector: American Red Cross, Lincoln Center, Habitat for Humanity, Harvard University, Junior League, Salvation Army, Médecins sans Frontières, YMCA, to…
The State of Nonprofit America
The nonprofit sector is large, complex and “messy,” having grown in recent decades from a largely unanalyzed and rather poorly understood group of highly disparate institutions and organizations into a far more recognizable–and recognized–important segment of the U.S. economy. Comprising…
Six Months that Changed the World
Organizations are better off when they plan and act strategically and ensure that their day-to-day actions build toward larger objectives which are clearly delineated and widely understood. But although ideas are at the heart of strategy, we ignore at our…